Liquidity Provider (LP)
Liquidity Providers (LPs) play a vital role in the Block Ain ecosystem by supplying the necessary liquidity. Block Ain leverages this liquidity for market making, liquidity provision, and various trading activities.
By providing liquidity to Block Ain, LPs can actively participate in the market without assuming full market exposure. This setup allows LPs to diversify their investments and gain exposure to a broader crypto portfolio, all while benefiting from Block Ain's expertise and strategic management.
Profit Sharing and Withdrawal Rights
LPs receive 75% of the profits generated from their provided liquidity, with Block Ain retaining 25%. This profit-sharing model ensures that LPs are significantly rewarded for their contributions. Profits are credited quarterly to LPs' accounts, providing regular income from their investments.
Furthermore, LPs have the right to withdraw their liquidity within 30 days after submitting a withdrawal request, ensuring flexibility and accessibility to their funds. This combination of profit sharing, market participation, and flexible withdrawal options makes being an LP with Block Ain an attractive and lucrative opportunity.
How we make Money?
1. Token or Coin Exposure
Gain exposure to various tokens or coins.
2. Trading Volume Fees
Earn fees from trading volumes.
3. Market Maker Agreements
Benefit from agreements with projects or exchanges.
4. Buy and Sell Profits
Achieve profits through strategic buy and sell operations.
If you are a High Net Worth Individual or a Self-Certified Sophisticated Investor and are interested in participating, please drop us an email at
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